Victoria Scott, Cloud Breath, 2017-18. Detail from VR Environment.

Autumn 2019

science_technology_society seeks to support contemporary interdisciplinary approaches that consider, intervene in, and speculate on the world in which we live and its possible futures.

Providing a focused environment, this seasonal programme fosters collaborations between artists and other practitioners, incubating ideas and supporting the development of new projects which aim to make a tangible impact on our lives.

In partnership with Gaia Art Foundation, the first season of science_technology_society took place in autumn 2019 exploring experiments with environmental data; how the lived experience can be digitally captured; and the relationship between technology and social structures.

Serving as a hub for the season’s evolving programme, the project space at Delfina was transformed by PUP Architects to accommodate public and private discussions, presentations, workshops and experimentation around the pressing issues of our times.

This season was in partnership with Gaia Art Foundation.

International Residents

Salik Ansari

London: 30/09/2019 — 22/12/2019

Burak Arikan

London: 07/10/2019 — 03/11/2019

Kyriaki Goni

London: 28/10/2019 — 22/12/2019

Jeppe Ugelvig

London: 04/11/2019 — 22/12/2019

Jaro Varga

London: 16/09/2019 — 27/10/2019

Victoria Scott

London: 14/10/2019 — 22/12/2019

UK associates


London: 16/09/2019 — 22/12/2019

Nick Laessing

London: 16/09/2019 — 22/12/2019

Gary Zhexi Zhang

London: 16/09/2019 — 22/12/2019

Public Programme

Trust Issues: A roundtable on art, decentralisation and emergent technocultures




Hydrogen utopia?


Adventures in Non-Ordinary Reality



Explore selected outcomes and documentation of the programme.

Delfina Presents: Matterlurgy

Discussing air pollution and using virtual reality to tell its stories


Nick Laessing: Plant Orbiter

Researching usership

Residency Project

Trust Issues

On art, decentralisation and emergent technocultures


In Conversation: Kyriaki Goni

On interspecies networks, affinities and affective infrastructures


Collectors in Conversation: Bernardo Faria

On artists “looking for the future, but also working hard for the present”
