
Residency Project

Cultivating Stories

Exploring archive, soil memory and artistic collaboration

Residency Project

Recipes for slow disaster

How do we rethink and rebuild lost landscapes

Residency Project

Enunciation and food artivism

Notes and thoughts

Residency Project

Agrarianism and Revolutions

Tracing paths of thought

Residency Project

Cherry Truluck: Malt, an oat flour macaron

A recipe from our UK associate artist

Residency Project

David Blandy: Gathering Storm

A collaborative world-building game – an outcome of research into colonial agricultural policies and legacies

Residency Project

KUA – Issue 01: Re-Integration

Our UK associate Yu'an Huang explores the transnational experience in a new publication

Residency Project

The Abode of the Mortal Part of Man

Artist-in-residence Andrew Luk contemplates the heterotopia of East London’s Abney Park cemetery

Residency Project

Anna Ridler and Rosalie Yu: Research things

Explore an evolving portal of investigations and reflections on data

Residency Project

Sonya Dyer: ‘HFO: An Occasional Podcast’

The pilot episode of our UK associate artist’s forthcoming series

Residency Project

Life of a Craphead: Life of Life of a Craphead

On navigating life and community as working artists

Residency Project

Zian Chen: An open letter to these strange times

Encounters with the apology as a "technology of the self"

Residency Project

Paul Setúbal: A Country Tale

A true story of land expropriation and the struggles for territorial control

Residency Project

Vibeke Mascini: Infra

Contemplating the British Library's ‘silent’ recording of a blue whale

Residency Project

Petros Moris: Future Bestiary (Kerameikos)

Exploring subterranean memory and the construct of the future

Residency Project

Petros Moris (with Lito Kattou): PROPHECY

Presenting the third issue of AM zine

Residency Project

Nick Laessing: Plant Orbiter

Researching usership

Residency Project

Vivien Sansour: Zaree’a

On the work and legacy of seed keeper Esiah Levy

Residency Project

Moonjung Hwang: Simulated residency

Transferring memories

Residency Project

Thiago Hersan: Reinterpreting the astrolabe

Exploring the relationships between humans, nonhumans and machines

Residency Project

Noor Abuarafeh: Rumours Began Some Time Ago

Uncovering the story behind an archival photo

Residency Project