'In Girum Imus Nocte et Consumimur Igni' (David Lynch, Jesús León, and John Waters)

Susana Vargas Cervantes (Mexico) holds a PhD in Art History and Communication Studies from McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Her research focuses on the different cultural understandings in gender, sex, class and skin tonalities between Latin America and Anglo North America, and their intersection with visual culture.

Susana was the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Fellow from 2006 to 2013.

She is the author of the book Mujercitos (2014, Editorial RM). Most recently she co-curated the exhibition In Girum Imus Nocte et Consumimur Igni from the Jumex Collection.

Residency part of

The Brooks International Fellowship Programme

In partnership with


Resident’s website



Please note all biographies are accurate at the time of the residency. For up-to-date bios please visit the resident’s website.