Mohamed Monaiseer (Egypt) works through drawings and paintings that resemble heritage craft, delineating mystical and transcendental concepts such as, alchemy, metaphysics and oral histories. The obsessive-like repetition observed in his works comment on the potency of a word or figure after it has been multiplied and reproduced ad nauseam. The shroud-like raw forms of fabric, canvas, and paper add to ethereal notions of parapsychology and the intricacies of human consciousness and spirit Monaiseer explores in his work. To Monaiseer, this extensive handiwork is akin to rituals, with repetitions turning into meditations.

Monaiseer received his BA in Educational Art and MFA from Cairo University. He has participated in a number of group exhibitions including at Riwaq Gallery, Bahrain (2017), Sfeir-Semler Gallery, Beirut (2015), and Townhouse Gallery, Cairo (2013). He has also presented solo exhibitions at Safarkhan Gallery, Cairo (2015), Safarkhan Gallery, Cairo (2014), and Gezira Art Center, Cairo (2013).

Artist’s website



Please note all artist-in-residence biographies are accurate at the time of their residency. For up-to-date bios please visit the artist’s website.