Luiz Roque, 'The Golden Tower' Photograph from Super8 reversal film, 2012.

Luiz Roque (Brazil) is interested in the plasticity of the image, its surface and iconic potential, he often uses analogue technologies particularly Su­per 8 and 16mm film but also magnetic tapes to super­impose layers of time on his films and photographs.

His works have been shown in exhibitions such as Video Links Brazil (Tate Modern, London, 2007), Constructions Views: experimental film & video from Brazil (New Museum, New York, 2010), 9a. Bienal do Mercosul (Porto Alegre, 2013) and The Brancusi Effect (Kunsthalle Wien, 2014).

Roque currently lives and works in São Paulo.

With support from

Moraes-Barbosa Collection

Artist’s website



Please note all artist-in-residence biographies are accurate at the time of their residency. For up-to-date bios please visit the artist’s website.