Åsa Sonjasdotter (Sweden/Germany) works with plant breeders, farmers and gardeners for the regeneration and reclaiming of those remaining and still-living pluriverse socialites of peasant-bred crops that were lost by monoculture coercion. Through collaboration, real and speculative narrative-material processes are set in motion, taking place in the fields, by and with the crops.

During her residency at Delfina Foundation, as part of The Politics of Food programme (autumn 2022), Åsa will research the retrieval of peasant farming techniques carried out in resistance to the formation of agro-industries by non-conforming women organised within the social movements of suffrage, peace and organic farming in the early 20th century in the UK and beyond.

Åsa is the author of the publication Peace with the Earth — Tracing Agricultural Memory, Refiguring Practice (Archive Books, 2019), editor of pamphlet Peace with the Earth (Archive Books, 2020), and initiator of Archive Journal issue 9 (March – April 2020).

Åsa Sonjasdotter was born in Sweden and lives on the island of Ven, Sweden and in Berlin, Germany.

With support from

Iaspis – The Swedish Arts Grants Committee


The Politics of Food:
Season 5


Autumn 2022

Artist’s website



Please note all artist-in-residence biographies are accurate at the time of their residency. For up-to-date bios please visit the artist’s website.