Anna Ilchenko (Russia) is a curator at V-A-C Foundation, a cultural institution based in Moscow and Venice. Her curatorial practice is inextricably linked to visual culture studies, and implements interdisciplinary and transhistorical approaches. Over the years her line of work has been related to institutional critique, politics of memory and amnesia, notions of public space, and questions around image production and distribution. Her current interests also include the exploration of a large spectrum of performativity, the body and gender issues in the age of Big Tech and queer practice.

During her residency at Delfina, Anna seeks to further her knowledge of various residency programmes and cultural initiatives both in London and beyond as well to find new possibilities and practitioners for future collaborative projects.

She holds MA in Contemporary Art Theory from Goldsmiths, University of London and MA in Art History from the Russian State University for the Humanities. Recent exhibitions include, General Rehearsal. A show in three acts from the collections of V-A-C, MMOMA and KADIST, Moscow, Russia; Vladislav Shapovalov. Image Diplomacy, Moscow, Russia; Space Force Construction, Venice, Italy; Process. Case Studies at the Museum, Moscow, Russia. Anna has lectured on methodologies of art history and artistic practices in museums and contributed articles to several Russian and international art journals and online platforms.

Residency supporter

V-A-C Foundation


Please note all resident biographies are accurate at the time of their residency. For up-to-date bios please visit their personal website.