Ali Miharbi, Machine that tickles the wall, 2013.

Ali Miharbi (Turkey) is interested in the biological, social and economic rhythms in everyday life, the concept of play, and the physicality of information. His work takes a variety of forms that range from photographic, graphic, sonic or sculptural pieces to dynamic systems driven by live or stored data. His work has included web-based projects, critically reflecting on global issues such as intellectual property, freedom of expression, surveillance, and war in technological contexts. This has also developed to include real space interaction, incorporating surveillance technologies such as pattern recognition or motion analysis.

While at Delfina Foundation, Ali will be developing projects related to the air: its dynamics, as a medium of sound and speech, and as a carrier of forces and materials, including themes associated with breath, speech, wind, weather and dust.

His work has been exhibited at Electriciteitsfabriek, Den Haag; The Hague, Den Haag; TANAS, Berlin; Benaki Museum, Athens; MuseumsQuartier Q21, Vienna; Pilot Galeri, Istanbul; and at Colomboscope Festival, Colombo.

With support from



Collecting as Practice:
Season 1


Winter 2017

Artist’s website



Please note all artist-in-residence biographies are accurate at the time of their residency. For up-to-date bios please visit the artist’s website.